April - 2016 Issue

Cover Story
The past decade and a half has seen galactic changes in how enterprises, of all size, carry out their computing. A multi-exponential growth in computing power, digitization, and abundance of data generated by both users and devices has given both a thrill and sometimes a throbbing headache to... more>>

In My Opinion

Big Data will re-define the future businesses and help draw insights with refined business processes, decision making and solutions.... more>>

Company of the Month

Around the globe, cloud computing is being increasingly adopted by enterprises. However, there is trepidation about the obstacles to the... more>>

Company Spotlight

Presently, enterprises are allured by cloud technology, craving to upgrade efficiency, accessibility, productivity and profitability etc.... more>>

20 Most Promising Amazon Solution Providers 2016

In 2015 Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service, Gartner placed Amazon Web Services in the “Leaders” quadrant and rated... more>>
Undoubtedly, the pursuit for increasing sales effectiveness is a priority for all businesses. When a company’s sales channels realize... more>>
Today, as ecommerce technology advances and competition among online stores increases, entrepreneurs demand ecommerce platforms with rich... more>>
While choosing cloud computing, enterprises may face difficulty in choosing right cloud vendor and cloud transition from legacy IT... more>>

CIO Insights

So we are in 2016 and Big data has been quite a buzzword in the IT world for past couple of years now. But what's the next big thing in... more>>
Almost 20 years ago to this date, I was building token ring networks, rack mounting IBM OS/2 “Warp 4” servers, and ripping out... more>>
In an industry otherwise less known for its innovation, the call center industry is currently in the midst of a technological revolution... more>>

CXO Insights

Enterprises have evolved from owning your data center, bare metal hardware/software/resources to ASP models, Data center COLOs to... more>>
Much has been written and said about the new found power of DATA. In fact it is hard to get away from the data talk and the related... more>>
The Big Data landscape is defined by four Vs- Volume, Velocity, veracity and Variety. It also includes interactive data visuals that... more>>
mHealth is a growing global market and the same trend is visible in India. A study by PwC projects the market to be around $0.6 Billion... more>>
Meticulously designed to satisfy the needs of today’s IT professionals, open Hybrid cloud is not a product but a way of delivering an... more>>

CXO Insights

Why Indian CIOS Need To Get Aggressive On...

By Premalakshmi R, VP-Autonomous Database, Oracle India

The Deep- Rooted Benefits of Gamification...

By Gaurav Sharma, Head of UI & UX Design, LearningMate

Devising Cyber Security Strategy in Wake of...

By Jagdeep Singh, Chief Information Security Officer, Rakuten India
