10 Best Practices for Building Effective Dashboards

Category: IT services   |   Presented By: Tableau Software

The best dashboards just work for their intended audience. That doesn’t happen by accident. Ask yourself, who am I designing this for? Is it a busy salesperson with 15 seconds to spare for key performance indicators, or is it a team reviewing quarterly dashboards over several hours?

In addition to knowing who you’re trying to reach, it’s important to know their level of expertise with the subject matter and data. Which kinds of cues and labeling will they need or not need?

You may realize that you have several messages or questions. Remember that you can always create more dashboards. The best approach is to start simple.

If you build a dashboard for a desktop monitor, but your viewers are looking at it on their phones, you’re probably not going
to have a very satisfied audience. Do some research up front to know which devices your audience uses to view dashboards.
The place to set size for your dashboard is on the left Dashboard pane, under Size. If your audience will be looking at your
dashboard on a wide range of devices, you have a couple choices.

tags Business Intelligence